Friday, August 14, 2015

Response To Wear That Controversial T-shirt Or Not, That Is The Question...

Wear That Controversial T-shirt Or Not, That Is The Question...

I believe the school was unfair. They respected the rights of the L.G.B.T.Q. community but not that of Seth Groody. The school administrators chose a side even though they were supposed to remain neutral. I do not like this current environment of forced sensitivity that is being pushed down children's throat today. Children, just like, adults have a right to disagree with something that do not believe in. I do not think that Groody should have had to change his shirt. His rights were violated and no one seemed to care. What kind of lesson is that to teach our kids? Not a good one in my opinion. I believe that actions like the ones taken against Groody keep people like him in the same mind state instead of opening them up to new ideas and will only cause them to push back more against system that they feel is already against them. Disenfranchisement is one of the worst things that schools do to the mindstate of our kids, yet it is done without even a second thought to passive those who disagree with it. When do we have the right to disagree peacefully when no one will let us?

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