Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What Went Wrong in Hempstead, Texas?

Waller County DA: Bland's Death Won't Be "Swept Under the Rug"

This article provides a short overview of the current situation at the Waller County jail in Hempstead, Texas. As well as a little history of  how Prairie View A&M was/is viewed by the locals.The main point of the article is to make the reader aware that there was an African American, Sandra Bland women that was killed in a Texas county jail. This article does a good job in not trying to draw the reader into the race debate. It only states fact that are known about the situation (at this time). Everyone is wondering how a routine traffic stop turned into sitting in jail for three days before being found dead, hung in her jail cell. I wonder why so much focus is being put on the Texas Department of Public Safety Officer Brian Encinia when the world knows what he did wrong, and not on the staff at the Waller County Jail. Something went wrong inside that building that many people are not talking about publicly yet. Hopefully the F.B.I. and the Texas Rangers can figure out what happened.

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