Thursday, July 30, 2015

Destroying Dreams
KVUE author, Mark Wiggins, writes a compelling article about the elected lieutenant governor, Patrick, taking away the rights of foreign persons to apply for in-state tuition for college. Wiggins starts the article by showing a personal opinion by a young man with the last name of Villalobos. Gov. Rick Perry passed both the House Bill 1403 and Senate Bill 1528 which is called the DREAM Act. Without the DREAM Act, Villalobos exclaims that he would not be able to afford college nor law school.

Patrick along with other Republicans feel as if the law attracts more illegal immigrants and want to pass a law dissolving the DREAM Act. Rick Perry states, "Economically, what was in the best interest of the state of Texas was to give these young people the opportunity to be givers rather than takers...To be a constructive part of this society, and that's what we did overwhelmingly." While Rick Perry shows empathy for immigrants who are trying to better their lives, Greg Abbot shows a different emotion. Abbot says, "The way that it's supposed to work is a student is supposed to be showing that they are making progress toward establishing legal status...And that simply is not being done." Rather than showing support, they are trying to discourage DREAMers from trying to better their futures and obtain more knowledge.

Lastly, I want to leave my peers with this quote by Villalobos: "I also feel that most of the Texas Legislature is reasonable, is pragmatic, and knows that in-state tuition is something that's good for Texas. It's good for students and it's good for the future of the state." Do you agree?

My response: I have noticed this growing trend where the Republicans seem they are switching sides on how to deal with immigration. On one hand you have members like George W. Bush and Rick Perry. they were more about turning illegal alien into legal citizen or having people here in the U.S. legally. Bush had the path to citizenship become easier and he made the national i.d. for foreign workers known as the Guess Worker Program. Once Bush left office it became a different told to the masses. No need to help those who are not helping us right? I see a similar situation happening again. Rick Perry had an awesome idea. It was such a good idea it even got mirrored on the national. But now his replacement is trying to convenience people that this wonderful idea is a bad one. I do not understand why the Republican party wants to hurt those people who are trying to comply with the laws. These are not Anti-American or a foreign threat. They are our neighbors trying to create a better life. To answer your question; yes it is to keep in-state tuition low so everyone that's wants has a chance to better themselves.

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